About Us
About Us

Hammond Raffetto Art is all about making beautiful artwork available for you to enjoy in your home or office. We call it Accessible Fine Art™ For Your World. We’re fortunate to have been able to visit many beautiful places. Some might even be on your bucket list, some maybe not. But wherever we have gone, we have sought to bring back some of the beauty that we perceived there and to share it here. We hope that you can find as much joy in our artwork and products as we do in making and sharing them. Even if you only enjoy them here on the website, we hope you’ll come back and visit us often.
If you have any questions about our art, please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks for being here.

I have enjoyed photography as a hobby all my life, but only became serious about it in 2017 after attending my first professional workshop on Maui. That experience opened my eyes to significant sources of creative frustration in my photography. That led to many other workshops and eventually 1-1 tutoring with Maui artist Jordanne Weinstein, Italian landscape photographer Vieri Bottazini, and (en)Visionographer™ Julia Anna Gospodarou. These teachers have made me aware of what I have been seeking in my art for what is now decades. Even more importantly, Mary opened my eyes to a world of interpretive beauty.
As I developed that sense of expression, I learned to explore places and times that could reveal a sense of serenity, a way to invite the viewer to experience the moments in a place as I felt them. Both light and a sense of time are critical elements of this sense of serenity. Whether one has watched a sunrise over a mist-shrouded bridge, or the emerging light over a French Polynesian reef shore, the fade of twilight over a mountain lake, all these experiences tend to move our everyday cares and worries to the sidelines as we experience the awesome grandeur in which we live and breathe. The art here is about helping us and you relive those timeful moments every day.
I love traveling to interesting places—as much as possible with my partner, Mary, a lifelong artist and designer. Mary and I compose many pieces together, often revisiting a scene numerous times before settling on a composition. We also partner with accomplished photographer John Kincaid, who has an uncanny knack for connecting people emotionally to the world he photographs.

I began my work as an artist and designer at a very young age. And throughout my career, I have focused my visual energies on assembling elements of harmony, and I think it's one of the reasons that Greg and I make images so well together. I spec’d all of the paint, stucco, and roof tile color schemes for a major homebuilder for all of their California subdivisions, worked in interior design for model homes, and spent many years doing seasonal commercial and residential decorating and staging.
Much of my training and experience has focused on the harmonious integration of differing scapes, human and natural. Our travels have shown us that people everywhere seek beauty and harmony in their lives, but they often implement their visions in very different ways.These encounters continue to inform our perspective on our world.
In a world which seems increasingly hectic, Hammond Raffetto Art brings extraordinary beauty and serenity to any space.